Wednesday, March 21, 2007

the kalphites... ever hole has a story...

and this is the home of the kalphties

in here live the queen the queen can drop good items like dragon chain body here is help...

here is stuff about the queen

Monster #: 244 Name: Kalphite Queen
Combat Level:333
Number of Hitpoints:985

Members Only?Yes
Slayer XP:340
Hunter XP:0
Total XP for fighting Controlled:5240
Total XP for fighting Accurate/Agressive/Defensive:5250
XP given to Hitpoints, or if fighting Controlled:1310
XP for fighting Accurate/Agressive/Defensive:3940
Location:Dungeon in the Al Kharid desert south west of Shantay Pass.
100% Drop:None.
All Possible Loot:
Adamant spear
Air runes
Amulet of power
Blood runes (19)
Coins (1-3000)
Death runes (30)
Dragon 2h sword
Dragon chainbody
Dragon longsword
Dragon mace
Dragon med helm
Dragon spear
Fire runes (600)
Half of a key (loop)
Half of a key (teeth)
Iron arrows
kq head
Lava battlestaff
Law runes
Lobster (7)
Mithril arrows (500)
Nature runes (75)
Oyster pearls (40)
Rune arrows(100)
Rune axe
Rune battleaxe
Rune 2h sword
Rune chainbody
Rune kiteshield
Rune warhammer
Shield left half (dragon square)
Uncut diamond
Uncut emerald
Uncut ruby
Uncut sapphire
Wine of zamorak (20)
Weakness:No information at this time.
Examine Info:I don't think insect repellent will work.
Other Info:The Queen has 2 forms, both have to be killed. Second form uses protect from melee prayer. Iban staff won't work on her. Can't use dragon spear special(stun) or Dragon scimmy (kills prayer) on her. There is a chance that the queen drops nothing, in this case don't get angry at your team mates! Many people bring Verac's armor to kill the queen because it has a chance to hit through her defense and prayer and is an alternative to other styles.
Thanks for the information:Runehq User, Legolas15, Cricket55416, Nakota757, Double e 3, banxer, nikolaigogol, michelicus, Headshot, Ghoulies, 3t3rn4lfl4m3, Skatepnk316, Sasmcpot, deltantor, earthwarr1, greatgecko, mtnus, garyruls, Bob Sabre, masterrobb27, dr4g0n3, slakkenspoor, rytthigar, Slyde_Whoosh, mkm2384, Aj6aj6, hotshot94657, Fivestar24, Soda 109, danielson666, Sir Karamu, 3ludbath, Mickel, blackmoonkightzx, rodo211, petanecek, nick_438, wizardboy522, burningacidx, Bartimeyus, jabberwock26, bily55, nintendo150, Butram, and Luis965 and runehq
kalphite guardian

Monster #: 243 Name: Kalphite Guardian
Combat Level:141
Number of Hitpoints:170

Members Only?Yes
Slayer XP:170
Hunter XP:0
Total XP for fighting Controlled:904
Total XP for fighting Accurate/Agressive/Defensive:906
XP given to Hitpoints, or if fighting Controlled:226
XP for fighting Accurate/Agressive/Defensive:680
Location:Kalphite Lair, south west of Shantay Pass.
100% Drop:None
All Possible Loot:
Adamant dagger
Air rune (50)
Blood rune (7-10)
Chaos rune (10)
Coins (30-3000)
Defence potion
Dragon med helm
Dragon spear
Fire rune (37)
Half of a key (loop)
Half of a key (teeth)
Law rune (2, 3)
Mithril axe (hatchet)
Mithril kiteshield
Mithril longsword
Mithril sword
Nature talisman
Rune 2h sword
Rune arrow (42)
Rune chainbody
Rune kiteshield
Rune med helm
Rune platebody
Rune sq shield
Runite bar
Steel axe (hatchet)
Steel battleaxe
Shield left half (dragon square)
Uncut diamond
Uncut emerald
Uncut ruby
Uncut sapphire
Weakness:Crush attacks.
Examine Info:I don't think insect repellent will work...
Other Info:They can poison you. There are safe spots from which you can range, mage, or hally them. They can also be killed with melee, though it is not advised as they hit often as well as with poison.
Thanks for the information:Runehq User, Legolas15, Samurai5911, Ano36, Double e 3, Melanie256, EVILWITHIN10, Slackerdog, LOTRKingX, Mythiquedame, fishboy887, dragoneyes28, Kira_Yamatou, JasonMagicka23, blackdjinn, deathking n2, aviendha18, Chopsteeq, tomgrill, magikmike12, Black Magix2, max_steel666, Da3rdJuggalo, Jokerywkm, Sheep01, varinathras, Myyg, bilboblazey, teh fuzz, killmastr88, merlin978, jon 2125, the1985kid, Killmouski, Famous109, Mythiquedame, and Alfawarlord.

Monster #: 242 Name: Kalphite Soldier
Combat Level:85
Number of Hitpoints:90

Members Only?Yes
Slayer XP:90
Hunter XP:0
Total XP for fighting Controlled:478
Total XP for fighting Accurate/Agressive/Defensive:479
XP given to Hitpoints, or if fighting Controlled:119
XP for fighting Accurate/Agressive/Defensive:360
Location:Kalphite Cave, the desert south west of the Shantay Pass.
100% Drop:None.
All Possible Loot:
Adamant med helm
Chaos runes (12)
Death rune (3)
Fire runes (60)
Half of a key (loop)
Half of a key (teeth)
Mithril chainbody
Mithril square shield
Nature rune (1)
Nature Talisman
Rune Javelin (5)
Shield left half (dragon square)
Steel axe
Steel full helm
Steel scimitar
Steel sword
Uncut diamond
Uncut emerald
Uncut ruby
Uncut sapphire
Water runes (2)
Waterskin (4)
Weakness:No information at this time.
Examine Info:I don't think insect repellent will work...
Other Info:You can be poisoned from these!
Thanks for the information:Runehq User, Legolas15, Double e 3, Stewy08, Headshot, dannyrt, lrdgreystorm, kyse, Fireball0236, spraymachine, Aman77777, Big Daddy919, Niff44, briarbear, Quickbeam and Piperleo69.

Monster #: 241 Name: Kalphite Worker
Combat Level:28
Number of Hitpoints:40

Members Only?Yes
Slayer XP:40
Hunter XP:0
Total XP for fighting Controlled:212
Total XP for fighting Accurate/Agressive/Defensive:213
XP given to Hitpoints, or if fighting Controlled:53
XP for fighting Accurate/Agressive/Defensive:160
Location:The desert south west of Shantay Pass. Found inside Kalphite Lair by using a rope on the tunnel entrance.
100% Drop:No information at this time.
All Possible Loot:
Body runes (6)
Coins (10-100)
Chaos rune (3)
Cosmic rune (2)
Dragon spear (Very rare)
Fire runes (7)
Half of a key (loop)
Half of a key (teeth)
Hardleather body
Iron Sword
Iron javelin (5)
Law rune (2)
Nature rune (4)
Nature talisman
Rune dagger (Rare)
Rune javelin (5) (Rare)
Rune Spear (Rare)
Shield left half (Dragon Square)
Steel sword
Steel long
Steel dagger
Uncut diamond
Uncut emerald
Uncut ruby
Uncut sapphire
Water runes (2)
Waterskin (4)
Weakness:Crush attacks.
Examine Info:I don't think insect repellent will work....
Other Info:Unlike other types of Kalphites, it is not poisonous.
Thanks for the information:Runehq User, zoig137, Legolas15, Oblivion590, Double e 3, mattcrossley, Worker Noob, lrdgreystorm, pkm3ge, milinko959, jsem, LOTRKingX, LadyAngell, gondomwinges, uglyman20000, deathking n2, Draco951, cool boy223, sir karamu, lord drake01, zhao yun72, alientech, Fivestar24, Alk12, samwilliamh, Fireball0236, M4dguitarist, magnus ronan, timmychum, chous_king1, evillecaston, aallstar2011, and Lclock
you will need 2 ropes a couple water skins and a werid old man say "she likes to be tickeled" os tou may want to bring a feather all these items are avaliabe at shanty's pass

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